Plan for Time Lapse Shoot

For this shoot I will be taking continuous photos of me drinking out of a glass bottle with a straw. I will the edit it on Adobe premiere pro, I can then either reverse it so it looks like the bottle is being filled back up or have it so it runs out. I will use a tripod as this will stop any camera shake and will keep the photos in frame. I will take these pictures in my room as the lighting from my window is better so will make it look more professional and it will have natural lighting. The things that may not work out so well if if the tripod moves by being knocked or if the bottle moves slightly during shooting it. The lighting also may change throughout as I’m using natural lighting. I will cut out the top of the straw as this way I will not be in the shot and it will make the time lapse look better as well. My ISO will be high around 1000-1200 and my shutter speed will be quite fast as well and my camera will be set to continuous shooting this way I will be able to take my 400 pictures and then when I edit it I will make it run slow so then I can make it last 15 seconds.

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